Case Study
How Byte Helped Meals on Wheels New Mexico Reinvent the Organization With A New, On-The-Go Concept

Meals on Wheels New Mexico is a non-profit organization delivering specialized, healthy meals to neighbors in need around the state. The organization recently launched Forage, a program providing locally sourced, nutritious grab-and-go food options.
"One kiosk is in an ER and we see the sales spike around 2:00 am and 3:00 am. There are no options for these health professionals and the hospitals are… beginning to realize they’re sending a mixed message as a health provider when they put Doritos and sodas in the vending machines. So they love seeing [the Forage kiosks], as it’s true to their mission.”
The Highlights
The Challenge
Meals on Wheels New Mexico needed to transform the old stigma of its program being “cafeteria meals.” The organization wished to expand its presence with healthy, local food options statewide.
The Solution
Launch Forage, a vending machine program that provides locally sourced, nutritious food options. Strategically place Byte kiosks in Presbyterian Hospital and Medical Center locations across New Mexico.
The Result
100% of profits are dedicated to funding Meals on Wheels programs and initiatives. Forage and Meals on Wheels New Mexico received increased brand exposure as innovators supporting the local food system.

The Challenge
Meals on Wheels New Mexico provides a significant, beneficial service for neighbors in need, but wanted to evolve past its old stigma.
Since 1972, Meals on Wheels New Mexico has been dedicated to providing nourishing meals to individuals in need within their community. However, with more than three decades of service, public perception was that the non-profit organization provided less than desirable food.
“We’re looking for partnerships around the state, but there’s a kind of stigma behind it that Meals on Wheels is basically old people’s cafeteria food, right? But many of our meals are locally sourced. We partner with local farmers for not only produce but also meat and dairy products.”
— Dennis Plummer, Chief Strategy Officer
Meals on Wheels wanted to expand its local reach beyond Albuquerque, but the organization needed to reshape the local community’s understanding of the organization to make new partnerships around the state more desirable.
“We thought it would be really helpful to develop a side brand to introduce people to the idea that we as Meals on Wheels New Mexico offer true quality products that are also sourced locally.”
Dennis Plummer, Meals on Wheels New Mexico’s Chief Strategy Officer, along with the organization’s board of directors, knew a reinvented brand initiative could combat their identity challenge. With Gaabe Zamora at the helm of this new program and brand, Meals on Wheels New Mexico was ready for a new beginning.
“We thought it would be really helpful to develop a side brand to introduce people to the idea that we as Meals on Wheels New Mexico offer true quality products that are also sourced locally.”

The Solution
Introducing Forage, a vending machine program providing healthy grab-and-go meals and funding the future of Meals on Wheels New Mexico.
Dennis and Gaabe evaluated multiple ideas. They eventually landed on a healthy vending concept when they realized how poor the food options were from vending machines.
“All we really see in these machines is Doritos, or Coke, or some other kind of sugary snack. We had such a great idea: grab-and-go, but not just with local and fresh, but healthy food too. It’s something nobody around here has ever really seen.”
Meals on Wheels discovered Byte Technology’s vending kiosks through a board member, who had received an email about the technology and sent it to Dennis for further research.
““One of our board members is the President of the New Mexico Restaurant Association. She happened to see an email from Byte Technology and said, ‘This looks interesting. What do you guys think?’ So, part of my job was to explore, dig in, research, and begin to look at how we might use this.”
Forage partnered with a myriad of local farmers and suppliers to stock each Byte vending kiosk with fresh, healthy options including house salads, sandwiches, breakfast burritos, seltzers, muffins, and more.
Byte’s smart fridges were a natural fit to enable the creation of the Forage program and a strategic partnership with the Presbyterian Hospital system in New Mexico.

The Results
Healthy, accessible food choices funding and furthering Meals on Wheels New Mexico’s mission
The Meals on Wheels team placed Forage kiosks throughout Presbyterian healthcare facilities, allowing medical professionals, patients, and families to make healthy food choices 24 hours a day.
“One kiosk is in an ER and we see the sales spike around 2:00 am and 3:00 am. There are no options for these health professionals and the hospitals are… beginning to realize they’re sending a mixed message as a health provider when they put Doritos and sodas in the vending machines. So they love seeing [the Forage kiosks], as it’s true to their mission.”
By stocking each smart fridge with locally made and sourced, nutritious food choices, Forage continues to accomplish three goals simultaneously: supporting the local economy, furthering the organization’s mission, and funding meals for those in need.
“What makes us appealing to partners is the trifecta of local support. It’s supporting our local farmers, our local product. We’re buying all New Mexican products to put in our machines.”
100% of profits from meals sold through the Forage vending machines go to buy meals for those in need using the Meals on Wheels New Mexico home delivery service. Additionally, local farmers and products are being supported with each transaction.
“The purchase value [of a transaction] goes into our local economy and the profits go back into feeding other people who need access to healthy nutrition.”
Forage continues to experiment with new local offerings to determine what sells best, while still hitting the organization’s 40% profit margin goal. Currently, seltzers and breakfast burritos are popular items in the Emergency Room department at Presbyterian Hospital.
“The bestsellers are the seltzer waters. One of the hospitals we work with depletes them every week.”
Gabe and Dennis understood that in offering healthy and fresh food choices, spoilage would need to be managed. In keeping with the mission of Meals on Wheels New Mexico, Forage donates any food beyond the 7-day turnaround window to a local shelter.
The success of Forage’s program has begun to see tangential benefits as well, with New Mexico residents starting to recognize the Forage logo, branding, and kiosks. As the team had hoped, the organization’s narrative is changing, and they are beginning to scope out new strategic locations for kiosks such as airports, gyms, and other community spaces.
“This whole opportunity gave us an ability to not only create the name, but also we have a logo and our tagline, ‘Great food that does good.’
“People are seeing Forage as a community-driven initiative, and they’re proud of that.”
By stocking each smart fridge with locally made and sourced, nutritious food choices, Forage continues to accomplish three goals simultaneously: supporting the local economy, furthering the organization’s mission, and funding meals for those in need.
Unlock New Opportunities.
Byte Technology helps retailers, food service operators, and vending companies sell fresh food anywhere, anytime. Reach out today to learn more about how Byte’s smart fridges can help your business grow.